That awkward moment when...

Ahahaha, Fortune was great fun! I don't care that they wasted an entire episode on this story, because it was so darn funny. Drunk Clark is awesome.

First off, the "Somebody save me" was so fitting! Perfect after the awkward "Oh my God, what have we done" scene between Clark and Chloe. And all the stuff that was scattered around the house cracked me up. I didn't get a lot of it at the first viewing, but I'm writing this after the second time, and now I realize that that large metal thing was a LuthorCorp sign!

Loved the "one of your infamous phonebooths" comment.

Clark and the Lemur were so funny, and Welling did an awesome job playing drunk. This must be one of his silliest episodes ever.

I like the idea of Tess/Emil too! Their song was so catchy, even better than the original, which I looked up. Especially Tess' part. The original female singer didn't do a very good job in my opinion.

And Oliver and Chloe had a happy ending, how sweet! I was a bit confused if Oliver was leaving the show now too, but then I realized they have to solve the omega stuff.
