DOCTOR WHO: The Impossible Astronaut

Oh my God, I'm shaking! Wow! There was so much amazing in this episode that I just have to write some random thoughts while it's still fresh in my mind.

I feel like this show is a bit like a Disney movie. It's basically made for kids, but in such a way that adults can like it too, and with in jokes that kids (hopefully) won't understand. That comment from River... "I'm quite the screamer. Now there's a spoiler for you". Dang! 

I also loved the line from Canton where he said he was kicked out of the FBI because he wanted to get married. Amy answers, "What, is that a crime?" And he says "Yes". I didn't get that the first time! Very clever. 

And they mentioned that the Easter Island statues were modeled after the Doctor, lol. I love how this show always manages to make fun of itself and its main characters. I love Matt Smith though, seriously. It's amazing how he looks so old in one moment, and so young in the next! He goes from hyperactive kid to 900 year old Time Lord in an instant. I loved Tennant as well, but Matt is my Doctor. 

Love Matt's Doctor-portrayal in general. I need him to do at least 3 seasons! 

The first parts of the episode were a bit goofy, but it worked. Amy even pointed it out. I'm not suuuure if I like his new hair though... But it'll probably grow on me (ba-dumm-tss). 

And this part right here:

Trouble is, it's all back to front. My past is his future. We're travelling in opposite directions. Every time we meet I know him more, he knows me less. I live for the days when I see him. But I know that every time I do he'll be one step further away. The day's coming when I'll look into that man's eyes — my Doctor — and he won't have the faintest idea who I am. And I think it's going to kill me.

She shouldn't know what's going to happen on that day of course, but I don't think she means what she's saying here literally. She just means that she's so used to him knowing, and that it would be a big shock to meet a version of him that doesn't know who she is. But we all know what's going to happen when she meets a Doctor who doesn't know who she is... I think I heard a version of "The greatest story never told" at the end of the episode too... 

Brr, and that death scene... chilling. The way he just walked to his death, and how he started to regenerate afterwards... (I don't want to see that in a long time yet!) And how Amy cried over him. And then they burned his body. 

I got a bit confused by the Doctor's ages though. Is he 909 now? He was 907 last season, has he really managed to pass two years in the time between last season and now? And the future Doctor says he's 1103. Then he'd have to live two hundred years more as his eleventh self, shouldn't he grow older...? Or maybe two hundred years isn't enough time for a Time Lord to show any change? Other than that, congrats on managing to stay alive without regenerating, Doctor! But I guess the timeline will be rewritten at the end of next episode. He can't die before he turns into Twelve. 

The follow up in the diner was also amazing. "Who did the Doctor trust the most?" And then he just walks in, very much alive, chewing on a straw. Of course he had to be alive, but it was cool nonetheless. 

"Oh, this is cold. Even by your standards, this is cold." 


And Amy is pregnant? Hm. How's that going to affect TARDIS life? Was that why she had stomach problems..? But I thought that was from the aliens, because River got that too... Strange. And why was it so important for her to tell the Doctor right there in the middle of all the danger? Doesn't seem like Rory knows, because he'd be all over her trying to get her to stay at home... Strange. Now that I watch some parts of the episode again, I can see some of the hints. "And you've put on a couple of pounds. I wasn't going to mention it." 

More random awesome moments:

  • This episode was very heavy on the "Doctor who?" kind of lines. Amusing.
    – "Doctor... who, exactly?"
    – "That's classified."
    – "Classified by whom?"
    – "...God knows."
  • "Surnames of three of America's Founding Fathers." "Lovely fellas. Two of them fancied me."
  • "The Legs, The Nose, and Mrs. Robinson." Snicker.
  • "Aww, Jim The Fish! How is he?" So cute!
  • And I loved how the music shifts to a slow, epic version of "I am the Doctor" when the TARDIS turns visible again... I'm a sucker for dramatic scores used in the right moments.
  • "Clever, eh?" "Love it." "Don't compliment the intruder!"


  1. Great stuff. I agree completely that the Doctor should have looked older. I think it was merely a plot device. I hate being one of those canon people, as it's a tv show written by many different writers over the years so it's not going to be cohesive. However, with that said, I remember River saying a season or two back that she hates when he goes all young. If the Doctor had been unchanged for two centuries, knowing River for all that time and then he dies, he would never have looked older... Doesn't make any sense. But then again, it doesn't have to. It's a tv show.


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