Doctor Who fanfic recs

I'm not "in" the Doctor Who fandom at the moment, but I'm a dork who likes lists. And I really appreciate finding other people's recommendations whenever I'm actually looking. So here's a list of some of my absolute favourite Doctor Who fanfics. 

What to expect: 

  • These are all 10th and 11th Doctor fics, since they were my favourites.
  • Most of them were found and read around 2011-2013.
  • I typically liked fics either for a great plot, or for an interesting focus on the Doctor's character and motivations.
  • I liked 11th Doctor/River Song.
  • I never liked Rose Tyler, and definitely not as a love interest for the Doctor. There are a couple of Doctor/Rose fics on this list, but that's only because the story was so damn good that I tolerated the pairing.
  • All stories are complete unless otherwise mentioned. 

The Slow Path, or Two and a Half Centuries in Two and a Half Days by Amy Wolf

Nothing interesting happens in the nineteen-fifties. Not for the entire decade. That’s not true. One thing does.

Characters: 10th Doctor/Rose
Summary: AU from Girl in the Fireplace. The Doctor actually does get stuck in Versailles-time France and has to take "the slow path" through history to meet up with Rose and Mickey with the TARDIS in present day. 

The Doctor and his experiences through the years. This is such a great piece of writing. I don't understand everything that's going on (there are some references that are lost on me I think), but I still wish it was longer. The bit where he's in San Francisco is just... so odd. And somehow one of the best bits of fanfiction I have ever read? Can't explain why. Just read it. 

The Man With No Name by Frostfyre7

"So many different faces, different voices. Different selves. But the same soul. Why aren't you crazy like me, changing so much?"

Characters: 10th Doctor, Firefly characters
Words: 106K
Summary: He hadn't really counted on getting into a pub brawl over the color of his coat on some speck of a planet, or signing up with a crew of petty criminals. Still, he'd always wondered what really happened to those Lost Colonists from Earth...

This fic appears on almost every rec list out there. But here it is again in case you missed it. Really good, long story where the tenth Doctor tags along with the crew from Firefly. Crossovers rarely work as well as this. 

Night Terrors by Lyricwritesprose

there was a split second glimpse of Amy's room, back in Leadworth, at night. And then I realized that he'd allowed me to get that far, as the entire world smiled slightly and said, Predictable. And the lights went out.

Characters: Rory, 11th Doctor
Words: 8.5K
Summary: People have called Rory Williams brave. He doesn't always feel that way.

This is told from Rory's perspective, and doesn’t have much of a plot. But what makes it so great is Rory's views and experiences of things, like the Doctor and the TARDIS. 

The Doctor is just a tad more intimidating and alien than usual in this, but that makes for a super interesting read, and dynamic with Rory. Rory's observations on the Doctor are so detailed and spot on that they read a bit more like the author's than his own. But that doesn't really matter, because I enjoyed the hell out of this anyway. Most of the stuff this author has written is great.

Boxing Day by Lyricwritesprose

Wilf went for the boy, or the person who looked like a boy, clawing at his face. "Give him back!" It didn't sound like his voice; wild, cracked, insane. The boy didn't try to fight him. "Give him back! You–you body-stealing zombie thing–you have no right, you–you ghoul–"

Characters: 11th Doctor, Wilfred Mott

The way the tenth Doctor and Wilfred Mott parted ways never felt right to me. This is a super fix-it for that whole mess, where the Doctor meets up with him again, but in his eleventh incarnation.

What a Fool Believes by E.A. Week

"The day after midsummer is Volcano Day—New Year's Day, for them. I'm not interested in staying around to learn what really happens."

Characters: 11th Doctor/River, Amy/Rory
Words: 44K
Summary: River Song summons the Eleventh Doctor to the beautiful planet Vareda to celebrate the excavation of an ancient temple. A gruesome attack on the Doctor leads River to believe that someone on Vareda would do anything to keep her discovery buried forever.

This feels like a well written novel through the entire thing, and the Doctor/River-dynamic is spot-on. Great characterisations, and an awesome plot. The end is just chilling.

Angel of the Silences by E.A. Week

Characters: 10th Doctor/River Song, original character
Words: 66K
Summary: The tenth Doctor goes undercover at a small American college to unravel the mystery behind a brutal murder, but he's not the only incognito time-traveler on campus.

Interesting, original plot and setting, nice mood, and a well written original character called Cassie. I think this was written before season 5 aired, so that’s why River might seem a little bit off.

Loop by Sanguine Ink

He was the champion – no the lord – of foolhardy plans, whipped together at the last second with barely a prayer of working. But this…this took the cake. It was all up to Jack now.

Characters: 10th Doctor/Rose, Jack
Words: 25K
Summary: Ten, Rose, and Jack in a spot of trouble, several times over.

Great "real episode-like" plot, where time repeats itself, Groundhog day style. The time loops are executed really well, and none of the repeats get boring. 

Without giving anything away, this fic has a great "you couldn't do that in canon" moment in one of the loops. Love it.

Last edited: January 06, 2025
