DOCTOR WHO: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

So Rory and Amy are 31 now? I guess I can see it for Rory, but maybe not for Amy? She doesn't look that old.

Why wasn't Brian at the wedding? I would have been fine with it if they had just said that he was there, a different actor playing him, but he and the Doctor had never met.

The Doctors decision to let Solomon die made me a bit uncomfortable. The man had just massacred a whole ship of Silurians, but still, it gave me bad feeling.

Loved the Doctor in this, for the most part. Loved that this was a more comedic episode.

Loved that the doctor picked up more characters to travel with this time. 

I thought Solomon wanted the TARDIS, or even the Doctor himself. Nefertiti, really?

As soon as the Doctor left Nefertiti and Riddell they shouldn't be able to understand a word the other one said. :P
