DOCTOR WHO: Asylum of the Daleks

I love Matt's acting in the first scene on Skaro. His little, deep laugh was sort of scary.
One of the first things I kept thinking after the kidnapped the Doctor and Amy was "Please, please call him Rory Williams." It's one thing to jokingly call them the Ponds when it's the two of them, but his name is Williams! Thankfully, they did.
I really hope they talk a bit about the fact that Amy isn't just a model. The Perfume was named Petrichor! That means she has to have been part of the making of the Perfume as well. Show this!
– "Saave the Daaleks, Saave the Daaleks!"
– "Well, this is new."
Oo, and new opening credits. I liked the effect they used on the names of the three main actors, but the colours in the background were a bit too... intense. Not sure what I thought of the logo either.
And then Oswin appeared, and I sort of lost it. "Isn't that Jenna?? It is? Noo. Yes? No, can't be. It is Jenna! Nooo." Biggest surprise ever! I loved that no one knew beforehand. I love it when stuff like this doesn't leak. Sort of fell in love with her. Loved her delivery of the line "I did make you a soufflé, but it was too beautiful to live".

– "You think hatred is beautiful."
– "Perhaps that is why we have never been able to kill you."
O_o Dang! And the Doctor's face!
Rory's line "what colour?" was actually a valid one. The new Daleks actually have different roles after which colour they have. The white one is the supreme, etc. That part would have been better executed as comic relief if he'd asked something else.
– "You're going to fire me at a planet! That's your plan? I get fired at a planet, and expected to fix it."
– "In fairness, that is slightly your M.O."
– "Don't be fair to the Daleks when they're firing me at a planet!"
I kept thinking that the Doctor should have given Amy his bracelet before I saw that he had done exactly that. I loved the way he did it too.
And on the second watch, I noticed all the little signs to Oswin's fate. The fact that all the physical stuff the Doctor and the others ever see of her is Dalek parts. Like the cameras etc. And "[Dalek technology] is very easy to hack." "No it isn't!" Of course, she can do this with ease, because...
Eleven channels Ten at one point. Amy asks about how the people got "All Dalek'd", and he realises that it's the bracelets, and goes "Oo-hohooo, that's clever!" The way he says it sounds really like Tennant's Doctor for a bit! (Also, zombie Daleks... really creepy)

The Doctor tricks Amy and Rory into talking about their issues, and it's revealed that Amy can't have kids, and have let Rory go to give him a chance to have them. I didn't quite expect that to be resolved so quickly, but fine by me. But it feels like a thing that they could have problems over. I noticed that a lot of people were angry about Rory's line "I love you more than you love me". Come on, he's been angry with her for kicking him out, he's afraid she'll die, he says he's going to be cold and logical... it's a fair thing to assume after all the "Amy's choice" business etc. And she explains that that's not true.
Also, Rory knows about the infertility! He didn't just realise it there. Many people also seemed to think that. And brilliant, brilliant acting by both Karen and Arthur, I really felt for them.
But oh goood, the scene with the Doctor outside of Oswin's door with all the Daleks coming for him. I don't think I've ever seen the Doctor that scared. It was incredible. I wonder what went through his head.
When all the Daleks turned away, I actually thought Oswin was revealed to be the villain. That she had been controlling the Daleks all along, and was just messing with him. Because I heard her line as "Oh, that is cruel" before I realised she said "that's cool". Would have been brilliant if I that was the case, actually, her little laugh and everything fits so well.
But his face when he looks into the door and sees her... At first I expected to see her body, but oh god, she was a fully formed Dalek... But she saves him, and now we are left with this season opener's "regenerating girl-mystery": Who was Oswin? How is she connected to Clara, if that's even her name? How does she end up as the Doctor's new companion?
Also, the Doctor called the Daleks "Suckers"! ^^
But seriously, they need to stop over-using the line "Doctor who??" in the show. It's okay that the Dalek woman said it once, and that the Doctor could have repeated it once because he's happy, but dear lord. Don't overdo it to this degree.
Next time: Dinosaurs! On a spaceship! Really looking forward to it. Rory's dad! I have always wondered how much Amy and Rory's parents know about the Doctor. I hope this episode explains a bit.
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