Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials part 1 - The Star Beast

Some meta commentary:

  • This was the third time that I've watched Doctor Who "live". The first time was the 50th aniversary special in the cinema in London in 2013. The second was the 12th Doctor's first episode, also in the cinema.
  • And it was the first time that I've ever watched Doctor Who with Norwegian subtitles! Found it a bit distracting, switched to English after the first "Doktoren" 😅

Stuff I didn't like:

  • Slightly awkward "fourth wall breaking" recap right at the start, but thankfully it didn't last long.
  • Thought it was a little bit dumb how the Doctor goes "I won't be the one killing her" right at the start, and then just goes ahead and sonics things etc right in front of her.
  • The episode got very... preachy at times. Wish they'd kept that more subtle. 
  • The sonic does shields now?? For the love of... I've mentioned before that one of the things I'd change about Doctor Who is to nail down what the sonic can and can't do. I hate when it can just super conveniently do whatever the plot needs it to.

Stuff I liked:

  • The new intro made me comment on how "Wow, I don't think I've ever seen Doctor Who this crisp".
  • David Tennant slipped right back into playing the Doctor with no problem. Very fun to see. Donna as well.
  • I actually referenced the "burn with me" sentient sun episode as the soldiers were being possessed. That was one I wasn't expecting to get right. 
  • Glad the Meep isn't gonna hang around as a cutesy mascot for the whole 4 episodes.
  • Really looking forward to seeing the Doctor's reunion with Wilf.
  • Giant new TARDIS set! Not entirely convinced by how white it was, but still love how it reminded me of the first 11th Doctor era interior.
I guess I liked this? Can't say it was fantastic, but I'm definitely into this enough to continue watching.
