Late to the game: World of Warcraft
This may just be the nerdiest post on this blog so far. I got lured into playing World of Warcraft. And it's actually kind of cool. Confusing, but cool.
Here is my main character, a Pandaren (race) combat rogue (class). Which means that she only does close combat and no fancy spellcasting. I was mainly attracted to the rogue class because they can turn sort of invisible. Which I thought was great because I'm not the best at keeping a cool head when there's stuff coming to kill me. I chose to be a panda because, aww, panda!
I've mainly played this character with my boyfriend, so leveling from 1 to 90 (top level) went pretty quick. Benefits of "recruit a friend" and help from someone who's been everywhere before. But since I need to occasionally play on my own, I created another character:
This guy is a Draenei Elemental Shaman. He is only level 13 currently. Mainly because it's soo damn slow to level up on my own. Chose a Draenei because I thought most of the male characters looked so tiny. Chose a shaman because I wanted to try some magic this time, as the Panda is close range only. I need to get him to level 20 so he can start using mounts, and get a bit faster. And he definitely need some cooler clothes.
My boyfriend names all his characters similar things, so I wanted a theme of my own. I don't really have an online persona, so the Panda got a name starting with "Neff" (long story). This guy got a similar name. I'm not sure how the names all sound, but oh well. Then again, I do mainly refer to them as "the panda" and "the goat".
I kind of wanted to play a bit now, but the game got a new expansion very recently, so absolutely everyone is playing. When I tried to log on it said that I was number 4367 in the queue. I guess us casuals have to wait.
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