DOCTOR WHO: The Snowmen

New Doctor Who, new Doctor Who! And it was really good! It wasn't amazing, but it was good. It was better than The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, but not close to A Christmas Carol. But ACC might be my favorite eleventh Doctor-episode, so it's hard to top.

New opening credits and new version of the Doctor Who theme! The graphics were a tad over the top, but that doesn't bother me. Fits the show. I loved the theme! Dramatic, and kept the eerie-ness of the middle part of the melody. And I jumped and squeaked when I saw Matt's face! So cool! The first time that a Doctor's face has been showed in the opening credits since 1989! That's 23 years ago!

Clara, Clara. I haven't made up my mind about her. I don't dislike her at all, but there's something about her that is a bit too... a bit too clever, sort of. I love a companion that can "handle herself", but still... It's going to be interesting to see her with the Doctor in future episodes, with new settings. And the mystery about her is brilliant, I love that she and Oswin are the same person, in a wibbely-wobbely, Moffaty kind of way. But I really, really hope they don't mess up like they did with the astronaut-business in series 6. They had a really promising mystery at first, and then the solution in the series finale was really disappointing and full of plot holes. And I really hope that the solution doesn't involve any paradoxes, and that it's not too connected to the Doctor. I hope he's not responsible for it, like he was with River.

The romantic stuff between Clara and the Doctor... It was a bit too soon. I'm glad he brushed her off, but sigh. I really wished Clara could have been a bit more like Donna. I hope it's not going to be more than flirting, I just can't take another Rose. And... the Doctor is married.

Loved the way the episode handled the Doctor's mood and the loss of Amy and Rory. It was very nicely handled, and not over the top. He was sad and grumpy, but it felt really natural. I feared another repeat of Rose/Martha, but thankfully this worked way better. And the comedic scenes in this episode were really funny and clever.

The new TARDIS interior... I don't know what to think about it. I love the Gallifreyan writing and the nod to the older designs... but it looks so moody and cold! And a bit like a nightclub. I didn't quite understand the cloud and the staircase, or what the point of them were, but oh well. It looked very pretty.

On the other hand, I love the Doctor's new costume. Matt Smith can pull off the weirdest kind of clothes. Even the round glasses work. Awesome little nod to Amy by the way. I hope he keeps them. He looks a bit steampunk almost, with the glasses and hat.

This is nitpicking, but Vastra's Silurian makeup doesn't look good in HD closeups. Not really a big problem, but it irked me, especially in the "One word answer"-part of the episode. Would have been easier to keep my suspension of disbelief if they didn't film her so close. ...also, the snow looked very fake.
