Big Finish Eighth Doctor audio dramas

Doctor Who the Movie wasn't all that great, but I still really like the eighth Doctor! I wish there was more than that one movie made with him. But even though that was the only thing we saw of Paul McGann as the Doctor, there are plenty of books and other stuff with the eighth Doctor. I've just recently come across the audio dramas from Big Finish.
Audio dramas are sort of like a crossover between TV episodes and audio books. And it's a lot of fun to listen to! It's incredible how well it works actually. It's just like an episode, but without the visuals, you have to make those yourself. I have tried to read some of the books as well, but it's something else when I can actually hear Paul McGann as the Doctor.
So far I've listened to the first episode Storm Warning, and have started the next, Sword of Orion. The second isn't as good as the first, but it's okay. I like how the first episode kind of made fun of itself at one point i the beginning. Since we rely on the dialogue to understand what's going on, sometimes the characters needs to talk to themselves if they are alone. The Doctor acquires a companion to talk to quite quickly, but at first he's alone in the TARDIS. After he's talked for a little while, he comments something like "Talking to yourself, Doctor? That's the first sign of madness."
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