DOCTOR WHO: The Wedding of River Song

And that's the end of series 6. I liked it. But there were some parts that bothered me. Let me write a bit about that.


I loved the style of this episode, it looked totally bonkers, in perfect Doctor Who style. I remember when I watched Night Terrors that I thought that it didn't feel or look like a typical DW episode. This one did. Loved the transition from the slow "previously on", to "WTF is going on!" with all the flying cars and the trains. Also, I want the soundtrack for series 6! Loved the music that plays during the opening scenes.

Badass Doctor during his travels at the beginning:

"Just when you thought it couldn't get worse... you looked up, and saw the face of the devil himself. ...hello, Dalek."

The way he just slams the eyestalk on the counter afterwards. That thing must be heavier than it looks by the way, judging by the sound it made. 

And oh my, the episode was flowing over with guest stars and references to the past. The actor that played Charles Dickens! Winston Churchill! Silurian! Mentions of both Rose and Jack! And the Brigadier! 

Loved Matt with longer hair, though I wish that they hadn't made it look that greasy. His beard looks strange though. All fuzzy. Couldn't they have made that look a bit better too? But anyway, the entire main cast looked gorgeous in this episode.

And then there was the end. It was an okay explanation, that the Teselecta was the solution. But I have to admit I felt a bit cheated. It was a solution I didn't see coming, but still, I'm not sure if I liked it. I think it was the fact that the Doctor started to regenerate that made me think that it had to be some version of the Doctor that was on that beach, ganger or real one. I know many people found it strange that the Teselecta could "regenerate", but I guess if it could mimic a motorcycle in Lets kill Hitler, it could mimic some lights too. 

But still, there was a lot of stuff with the robot Doctor that annoyed me. If that many people pilot it, how could it act exactly like the Doctor? Unless he piloted it alone, I might think that makes more sense. And it grew a beard and got knocked out by a tranquilizer! That might just be acting too, but how would he know what reaction would be the right one when Amy aimed at him? I know this is just nitpicking, but it's usually the details that make a story good. My point is that all the actions the Doctor does after he enters the robot is just... acting?

That kiss between River and the Doctor though, I don't care that it was the robot, or that she really shouldn't love him this much yet, it was great. I love River so, so much. I'm not a big fan of the Doctor falling in love with his companions, but I make an exception for River. And I loved that music playing in the background while they kissed just as much. 


Rory: I'm not sure if I completely understand.
Amy: Umm, we got married and had a kid and that's her.
Rory: Okay.
Something else about this episode that I really didn't like. Right after we find out that he survived, the Doctor gets yet ANOTHER "death sentence". "Fall of the eleventh". Really? Right away? Can't we just for once have a season that isn't about the Doctor's impending death! It was annoying enough that the tenth Doctor had this hanging over him for several episodes. Do we have to go another season and constantly hear bout the fact that he is doomed? Is this a sign that season 7 will be Matt's last? Ugh. 

And what does it really mean, "It's still waiting for you, the fields of Trenzalore, and the question, the question that must never be answered." The question "Doctor who" is waiting for him? But plenty of people have asked that one in the past. Are they trying to say that he will die if he answers it? I really hope they do not explain too much about the background of his name at all. I don't even want to know why his name is a secret. It will remove the mystery. I like small hints, but nothing more than that. If they reveal his name, the entire show will have to be renamed.

I think my final opinion of series 7 is that I think the episodes worked better separate than as a whole. I loved the main plot of series 7 when it started, but I'm not quiiiite satisfied with the way it was resolved.
