DOCTOR WHO: The God Complex

I liked this better than last week's episode (The Girl Who Waited), so this calls for some writing! I'll just list some random thoughts I had.


I liked the Doctor much better this week. He made a huge mistake, but this didn't sit as bad with me as what he did last week. The way he raged after losing Rita was a really powerful moment. "You have lived so long even your name is lost." Was the minotaur talking about the Doctor here too? It fit really well. The music in this episode was really cool as well. there was something different about it, more "whimsical" and fun at places. Love!


I wasn't expecting the goodbye! If there was a spoiler about it, I missed it. I'm so glad my family had left the room to go to bed before the end of the episode, because I cried like a mad person. 

This will probably not be the last they see of eachother though. I know Karen will be back next season, but I guess that's only for a couple of episodes. I read somewhere that Moffat had confirmed that there will be a new companion for season 7. 

But, I loved the ending. I love Amy and Rory very much, but I don't want Eleven to get stuck on the same track, to say it that way. Ten changed companions two-three times, and I feel like Eleven has to do the same at some point. So, it's kind of good to see Amy and Rory go off to live their life. And I'm glad Amy and the Doctor's goodbye was sort of a happy one. I loved-loved-loved their hug at the end. Reminded me so much of the end of The Beast Below. The way she stroked his hair and kissed his forehead, and the way he sort of buried his head in her shoulder. Sigh. I could go on forever about why I don't like Ten that much anymore, but one of the reasons was that everything became so angsty towards the end. His goodbyes were usually never voluntary. This time it was Eleven's choice, to give up while his friends were still all right.


Also, I loved the bit with the car. Loved the way the Doctor changed his voice to say "This is my favorite car"!
