DOCTOR WHO: Let's kill Hitler!
Doctor Who is reaching new heights of unexpected. But I think I liked it. And I do love the story of River and the Doctor.
I had read some speculation before watching the episode, that the new character Mels in fact was River/Melody. I didn't really believe it, but wow, it really was her! And now it has been confirmed once and for all that the regenerating little girl was River, and that she is the one that kills the Doctor that day on the beach. I wasn't really on board with that theory either, but that's okay, I like not expecting what's going to happen.
Matt managed to play the Doctor as a really old man again. It's incredible how he does it! When he stood leaned up against the TARDIS talking about how he danced with everyone at Amy and Rory's wedding. I love it, I love it, I love it.
But, there were some parts about Mels/River/Melody that I didn't get. What was the point of living in Leadworth and growing up at the same time as Amy and Rory? Was she just waiting for the Doctor to reappear? And why did she want to go and kill Hitler at all, was that just for fun? Aand why did she try to poison the Doctor when she had already killed him as a little girl? Moffat writes incredibly touching, exiting and action packed episodes, but his episodes are also the ones that confuse me the most.
As Time Lords usually do, River also goes a bit "doolally" after her regeneration, checking out all the new aspects of her body. She also comments on the most recognisable aspects of her actress' appearance, like her hair (and curves).
And I loved all the scenes between River and the Doctor. Even the ones where she was Mels. This is River at the very start of her life as River Song. Baby River sort of! I adore their flirting, and the awkward way the doctor reacts most of the time. And the way he has to sort of "rearrange" himself after she pushes him up to the desk, lol.
Also; the little comforting pat at the shoulder Rory gives him! I keep watching this part over and over again.
Oh, and he was the first to say spoilers! Sort of. They both influence the other's life. Moffat is a bit too fond of these kind of scenarioes I think. Paradoxes. She's only called Melody because she's already called Melody, the Doctor only gets out of the Pandorica because he's already out, etc. It's okay if they use that solution once or twice, but it gets a bit too easy after a while. Like, where does the idea come from originally?
And Hitler was put in a cupboard, and stayed there for the rest of the episode.
I loved the Doctor's new coat! I thought he would wear it because they were going to 1930's Berlin, it sort of fits the style. But he had the coat before they knew they were going to that period, so he must just have felt like trying a new look. Oh well, no problem for me. I don't think he's going to be wearing it full time though, in the trailers it comes and goes. But it's strange that Amy or Rory didn't comment on it.
And there's a funny sequence where River tries to shoot the Doctor, but he one-up's her every time. This kind of reminded me of "Boom Town" in series 1, where the Slitheen woman tries to poison the Doctor, but he stops her every time.
River ends up giving him a little kiss, and my shipper heart went "Awwwww".
But River had an agenda behind the kiss, and the Doctor gets poisoned. Matt does an exceptional job of playing hurt and dying!
I didn't quite understand that voice interface-part. I guess he needed it to tell him how he was doing. But how did the interface-Amelia mention "Fish fingers and custard", when it wasn't really Amelia? Was that the TARDIS talking through her?
I didn't realise it at first, but when Amy and Rory pulls up on the motorbike, Rory get's a bit annoyed at Amy, and says "Clues? What clues?" in a Scottish accent! Love it! I didn't notice until I read it in another review. I'm liking Rory more and more with each episode.
And also, another point I didn't think of before that review, look at how the Doctor handles his upcoming death!
"Could have used a bit more of that kind of positive thinking when 10 kicked it. Just sayin'."
Amen, amen.
The Doctor is close to death, trying to save Amy and Rory, and he tries desperately to get to the TARDIS. Ooh, that backwards-music from "The Big Bang" plays. It's almost eerily beautiful, I got chills. And he begs for River to save them for him. And she does, because the TARDIS shows her how to do the piloting. River mentions that she learned how to fly the TARDIS from "the very best" in Time of Angels, and that the Doctor was busy that day. Nice callback!
And then he dies from the poison, lying on the steps. I wonder, right before he dies, what does he say to her? He whispers something to River, and asks her to find River Song and tell it to her. From River's answer ("I'm sure she knows"), it would be most likely that he said "I love you".
This could also be the moment when he tells her his name. Hm, because when I first saw Silence in the Library, I actually thought that the moment where he would/could tell her, was at the moment of his death, and this is it, right? God knows.
Now I'm looking forward to the next episode. Why isn't it Saturday yet??
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