Why the eleventh Doctor is my favourite

I completely loved Ten (and he's still my favorite), so I was really geared up to dislike Eleven...but you just can't. He had me at fish sticks and custard, and I like him more and more the more I see him.
– Jb-612 on Deviantart
He fixes some problems I had with the tenth Doctor
I still love Ten, I really do, but Matt is my Doctor now. I was really in love with Ten for a while, but that was before I saw season 5. I didn't realise what Ten was missing before I saw Eleven. Ten did have some aspects that I wish Eleven could show a bit more of too, though. I don't know how to describe it in a good way, but Ten was a bit more "larger than life" sometimes. But I guess Eleven is working on it. ("A Good Man Goes to War")
My problem with Ten in the end was that he was a bit too intense, a bit too "cool", and not alien enough. The whole "ladykiller"-bit. In the beginning of his run, I really liked his energy, and the intense way he did most of his lines, but after a while it felt like he just didn't stop to breathe. It became a bit ridiculous towards the end, but I guess that was the scripts' fault. And I really, really couldn't see any signs of his old age in Tennant's portrayal, I'm sorry.
You also seem to act more like you were cut from the same cloth as the pre-Time War Doctors. I remember when I saw The Eleventh Hour that I thought, wow, this is a classic series Doctor where he seemed less like a possible boyfriend and more like your crazy, strange uncle.
– Interview with Matt Smith in Newsarama
This interviewer manages to put one of my thoughts into words. Tennant was too much of a pretty-boy and a "possible boyfriend". Matt is really handsome as well, but still manages to be incredibly strange. I realised after having seen all the episodes of New Who, that this is the way I want the Doctor to be. If I had never seen the eleventh Doctor I would probably still have been happy with the way the tenth Doctor was. (And if Ten had gotten a better exit...)
Also, despite all my love for David Tennant, Matt Smith is more...Doctor-y.
This is a simple, good way of saying it. I love that his alien-ness showes through. All of his little eccentricities and quirks makes him a much better Doctor in my eyes.
Matt Smith is by now firmly in the role (well, he was from the off). Although I've covered it previously and it's not to go into here, as wonderful as David Tennant / the Russell T. Davies era was, I didn't feel it was perfect, and love the Smith era of 'Doctor Who' infinitely more. I feel a real bond with the Doctor that I haven't felt for many years, with his quirkiness, his deep (sometimes dark side) one minute, and his almost child-like qualities the next.
– Source

The social awkwardness
I know he's been traveling around earth for many years, but I love how Eleven is a bit rubbish at acting like a normal person, a human. The cheek-kissing in The Lodger was a bit... umm, but I love all the other stuff. Like not managing to keep timelines straight in his head ("No, hang on, that's not recent, is it?"), like wearing tweed and a bowtie, like invading people's personal space without thinking about it.
The old man that shines through the young face
Even though Matt Smith is only 28, he has an impressive ability to just appear so old! The most recent example I can think of is when the gang has just exited the TARDIS in the episode The Rebel Flesh. His posture and the way he delivers the line "A monastery, 13th century" really reminds me of an old man. Also, I love the little fatherly moments he has with Amy. ("Hey, I'm okay, I'm always okay.") And his fashion sense.
Matt plays this beautifully too. In seconds he can go between being a toddler boy who thinks bowties and fezzes are cool and then being the most ancient man with all his battle scars and wounds showing through. sometimes he's both at the same time and that is so him.
"Brand new and ancient at the same time".
I think Matt looks absolutely fantastic, he really does. He seems to have all the right things that are needed. He has the gravitas and the weight to represent someone who is 900 plus years old but also he's got those quirks about him that would lend itself to the flight of fancy that the Doctor has. And he just looks fantastic, the hair everything! I'm really excited!
– Freema Agyeman
Agree, agree!
Also when people get angry and just completely dismiss Matt Smith for ‘killing’ David Tennant, when I’m like, ‘Well if regeneration means killing, DAVID TENNANT KILLED MY CHILDHOOD HERO, HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES?’ I mean, come on guys, can’t we just LOVE all the Doctors, Matt Smith is an amazing actor, he is the first Doctor for a while where you can really tell he is 909 years old. And they really were all wonderful actors, even Paul McGann who only got a TV Movie, he was amazing, I want Moffat to bring him back one day, he was a wonderful Doctor.
– Lucy in the sky with emeralds
Some fans are rubbish! (RTD too, "some new man sauntering away"...) I like people that try to not favorize one version of the Doctor over another, but I can't help it myself. I haven't seen this opinion here in that many places.
Matt Smith's appearance and acting in general
I love the man. His voice, his face, the incredibly strange (and cool) way he dresses, the way he acts in interviews, his weird choices in roles...
Matt is such an annoying, childish ass, the way he mimics her and pokes fun at her all the time. ...I love it. I feel like we'd get along.
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